Well the lead singer is "Frank Carter" from the Gallows, he left the Gallows to form Pure Love. He wasn't happy with the direction in which the Gallows were heading, he wanted to leave it all behind hence why he left. After he left the Gallows he took up singing lessons (Let's face it, he didn't do much singing in the Gallows) Nobody knew what Pure Love were going to sound like until they played songs on Valentines day in 2012 at Bush Hall in London, after which they released a few singles. They turned out to be kind of alternative rock/ punk rock, which is a million miles away in terms of vocals from where he was at with Gallows who are a metalcore/hardcore-punk band.
When their sound came out, the opinions on the band were very mixed. Comments like "What are you doing Frank" plagued the bands YouTube videos, but Frank did answer his critics in the first line of their first single. he SINGS (That's right, sings. Very well) "I’m so sick of singing about hate, It’s never gonna make a change" which pretty much sums up why he left the Gallows.
I love Pure Love and even though I saw them before their album was released (Leeds Festival 2012) I thought they were incredible, definitely one of my highlights of the entire festival. They basically preformed the whole set from inside the crowd rather than on stage, If you get chance definitely go and see these guys.
They released an album at the beginning of this year, definitely buy it. It's incredible. It is called "Anthems"
Anyway here is my favourite...
This was their first single, listen and let me know what you think!
I like it, thanks for posting.